Android is a platform for application program developing. It has many attractive UI elements and data management function. Android also provides a group of options. In this article, we are going to talk about how to monitor the circumstance with the Android sensor options. The code shows how to record audio during the Android phone.
Do you want to create your own baby monitor? Do you want to answer the call or open the door by the means of the sound? You can learn how to make use of the hardware function of the device equipped with android.
For the developers of Java, Android is the ideal platform to create the innovative application program through hardware sensor. We are going to learn some interface connection options which are applicable to Android application program. You will get to know how to use the sensor subsystem and record the video segments.
What kind of application programs can be created by the hardware function of Android device? Any programs requiring electronic monitoring can be created. The wholesale baby monitors, safety system and even seismograph are all included. Theoretically, you can't be in two places at once. But Android can realize it through some feasible ways. As you read the whole article, you may keep in mind that Android device is not only limited to "mobile phone", but also the devices with wireless network connection in fixed place including the EDGE and Wifi.
Android sensor function
You will find something different when you use the Android platform. You can visit some "good tools" in the device. In the past, the mobile developers feel upset about the access of the hardware of the device. Though the Android Java is still the bridge between you and device, Android developing group carry out many hardware functions. It's an open source platform and you can write code freely to complete your task.
If you haven't install Android, you can download the Android SDK. You can also browse android.hardware. SensorListener interface is the core of the sensor application program. There are two necessary ways.
OnSensorChanged (int sensor, float values []) is invoked when the sensor values change. It's only invoked for the sensor monitored by the application program. The involved parameters are: An int indicates the changed sensor; a float value represents sensor data itself. Some sensors only provide one data while others provide three float values. The direction and accelerometer sensor provide three values.
When the accuracy of sensor is changed, onAccuracyChnaged(int sensor, int accuracy) will be invoked. There are two ints involved in the two ints. One represents the sensor; the other one represents the new accurate value of the sensor.
To interact with the sensor, the program must register one or more sensor related activities. The registration should be completed by the registerListener of SensorManager.
Keep in mind that not all Android devices can support all the sensors defined in SDK. If a certain sensor can't be used on a certain device, your application program will be degraded properly.
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Android is one of the strong and good mobile application.You can get get very good features by using this application.
Android app developers
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