Android 4.0 aka Ice Cream Sandwich was first featured on the Galaxy Nexus last month in November. This makes people wonder when the software update will be issued to their respective Android handsets. One of these smartphones is the Samsung Galaxy S2. Although the Korean tech giant has confirmed that their most popular mobile phone will receive the update by next year, there was no confirmation on when exactly in 2012 will the update arrive. Although we're not sure when it will come, we have an idea what it can do for the top selling handset.
We are sure one of the security features found on the Nexus will be added to the S2. This is face unlock. This new feature allows users to unlock their phone by simply showing their faces on the phone's front-facing camera. This eliminates the need to key in personal identification numbers or passwords that can be fall in the wrong hands if we are not careful. All you will need to unlock the phone is our facial features and facial recognition software.
It has been reported that the Ice Cream Sandwich update has rolled out for the Google Nexus S owned by Google employees. This was done for testing purposes before it rolled out to the public. According to the search giant's software engineers, the new version of the software further enhanced the smartphone's performance. If it could do this for a phone with a 1 GHz single-core processor, imagine what it can do for the 1.2 GHz dual-core processor on the Samsung Galaxy S2. The phone already offers performance at blinding speeds. We're excited to find out the enhanced performance the phone has to offer with the latest iteration of Android onboard.
The most noticeable change in the software is the interface. This overhaul is designed to work without having the need for physical buttons. However, this does not mean that the physical buttons will cease to function on the Samsung Galaxy S2. It also offers enhanced navigation and multi-tasking. It now shows recently opened apps through a set of thumbnails. This feature was exclusive to the tablet-optimized Honeycomb operating system in the past. Another new feature is swiping sideways to completely close a running application.
These are just a few of the new and enhanced features we expect when Ice Cream Sandwich rolls out to the Samsung Galaxy S2. When it does go live for the smartphone, expect to enjoy the top selling handset even more.
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