Wednesday, 28 December 2011

app for

The world is going App mad! Wherever you turn there is a new App for whatever you can think of! Now Kicker is jumping on board of the App bandwagon, revealing an App that enables you to learn more about their products on your phone.
The App available for iPod, iPhone and iPad has been created for the sole use of educating customers about Kicker products. Kicker, one of the most well known manufacturers of audio systems, is renowned for its open willingness to educate its customers on their products and usage. With this new App, they can take it one step further into the future of information - the App.

The Kicker App for car audio systems enables you not only to make choices about products, it shows you if products are compatible, letting you make the right choices for your car audio system. Moreover, it has a wizard that demonstrates step by step how to wire your system up, enabling you to quickly wire your car audio system without fussing about too much with the manual.
The Kicker App really goes into detail with the App specifications, enabling you to access information that you normally have to deliberately find out. It goes into great detail, making it perfect for those who are new to car audio and the more experienced user. Kicker have left nothing out of this App, making it an all-in-one manual for the car audio user whatever your level of expertise.
The Kicker not only has great amount of detailed knowledge, it also recommends products that are compatible with your system, enabling you to get on with the choosing of the car audio system, instead of wasting hours searching for a compatible product.
Kicker are also supporting another App, the game Mad Skills Motocross. The racing game is a fun new game for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, that allows you to race, wherever you are a novice or expert. Like most games there are different modes of competition and different skill levels, enabling you to steadily improve your skills whilst being challenged by the different modes.
Kicker are bringing their company forward into the world of the smartphone, enabling their customers to have access to much better and improved information.
If you are interested in finding a car audio systems, have a look at the West Midlands car audio experts at

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