Monday, 26 December 2011

Differences Between Android and iPhone Devices

The Android phone and the iPhone 4 are both great phones. They both have seemingly limitless options but, they are both very different. The iPhone 4 has a much great battery life of 7 hours of talk time for the 3g. The Android only has 5.2 hours. Yet, the camera on the Android is much better and takes higher quality pictures than the camera on the iPhone 4.

The iPhone has 215,000 apps you can download compared to the Androids 70,000 downloadable apps. The iPhone's unlimited plan is $5 a month cheaper than the unlimited plan for the Android phone. The Android has unlimited video chatting. On the iPhone you can only use video chatting through wi-fi and with other people who have iPhones. The Android phone allows you to download apps made by any competitor business. The iPhone app store does not sell apps from competing businesses, so even though the iPhone store does offer more apps you may not be able to find one you need but, you will be able to probably find it for the Android.
The Android phones are stated to be more popular than the iPhone 4 but both are great phones. Decide what would fit you better. The Android phones get a lot more upgrades then the iPhones do. It makes it harder to stay up to date with the latest technology with how much they get updated. The Androids are said to also withstand more damage than an iPhone can because they don't seem to break as easily.
Erica loves her iPhone 3GS 32GB

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