Saturday, 24 December 2011

Which Strength of Android and iPhone Would Work in Its Favour?

Android and Apple are two names that are most popular when it comes to smart phones. The two phones have different operating systems each having its own strengths and weaknesses.
For iPhone applications development App store is a convenient platform for the distribution and sales of applications. Android application development is also progressing but it still has a long way to go to come anywhere close to where iPhone stands. The app stores have great significance as far as end-users and the developers are concerned.
Having said that the Android market should not be taken too lightly as the pace with which it is growing, it can pose a serious concern for iPhone market. Apple's operating system is a closed one. The applications developed have to go through checks before they are accepted by the App store. The screening process can discourage the developers as the decision if the application can be sold rests with the App store authorities.

The procedure has both positive and negative aspects. The Google Android market offers an open system that means applications can be directly published. The platform provides easier access for the developer community to take their application to the market hence many developers might opt for this platform. Being open it may provide more applications therefore more variety and diversity.
However more variety and diversity does not necessarily means more quality. The point that works in favour of Android is also the one that has a disadvantage attached to it for the users. The users have to sort out from the junk as there are all kinds of applications available.
With iPhone the user has the comfort of knowing that the applications have gone through a screening process and only applications that have fulfilled the quality criteria are available. The Android market community ratings and comments section provide some help in this regard to judge which applications are poor.
The amount Android charge from developers is much less than what iPhone does. Android platform's lower cost makes it easy for the developer to make a start. The iPhone charges more for an application to be launched and with it is also comes the uncertainty that if the application gets rejected it would not mean refund of the initiation fee.
Both the platforms have their own points but it remains to be seen which strength would in the end prove to be the winning strategy for the two operating systems. Although much is being predicted for both the iPhone application development and Android application development sector, it is the statistics that would have the final word.

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